Wednesday, February 11, 2015

For Deah, Yusor, and Razan

For your momentary terror
I pray for an eternity of peace
For your momentary pain
I pray for your eternal ease
For you
I pray

And when it is our time to return
I pray our souls will meet
Where there is no fear
And there is no grief
For us
I pray


I pray for mothers filled with grief
For fathers who will never sleep
For brothers' wounds run so deep
For sisters so hurt they cannot weep


Sometimes I pray that every bullet shot
Just feels like soft raindrops on our head
Instead of metal piercing human flesh
Leaving babies dead

Sometimes I pray for impossible things
Like causes not having their effect
Like Abraham not burned by fire
Because his faith was perfect


But mostly, I just can't get these three out of my head and selfishly pray.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Court Counselors

Hypocrite! Liar! Rotten! Tyrant!
Court counselors fervently accuse
But when Power abdicates
And offers her throne
They will not refuse

Photo from USA Today

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Little Black Boys

Little black boys, why are you so scared?
Tamir Rice / Photo by Lisa DeJong
Why do the heroes frighten you?
With super powers
And super guns
The villains will get their due

Little black boys, it will be okay
Stay calm, do not run
The heroes will see
Your small hands up
That you have no super guns

Beautiful black boys, what have we done?
Your spilled blood stains our memories
The villains run loose
Threat'ning heroes by noose
Peace chokes as Justice hangs from trees